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Pat Edgerton
Welcome to the the 2024-25 Brush & Palette season!
Last year we saw our club return to our pre-covid "normalcy"...coffee hours at meetings,
a full slate of convenors, a return to 7 workshops, and a wonderful variety of guest speakers.
We had a very successful first show in our new venue, Riverside United Church.
Many thanks to our show convenor, Moira Burke, and to her hard-working team.
This September we will welcome several new members. Thank you, Tony Poole, our
membership convenor, for her hard work updating the membership list.
This fall we will establish a mentorship program to help welcome our new members.
If you would like to be part of this program, please pass your name along to Tony Poole.
Remember, this is your club, and it is important to be an active participant.
Our September meeting will be a pot-luck luncheon, starting at 12:30.
For new members, bring your favourite dish to share, a plate, cup and cutlery,
and arrive at Riverside Church around 12:15 on September 4th.
Members will be able to re-connect with old friends, and welcome some new faces.
Please, continue to wear your name tags to all meetings.
We have a full roster of 7 workshops planned, thanks to our workshop committee,
Jan Sheardown, Dorothy Adams and myself.
Thank you for sending in your workshop choices.
The committee has met and made up the workshop lists, and you will soon receive
confirmation of which workshops you are registered for.
Many thanks to Anne McLean, our program director, who has been working hard to
ensure we have interesting guest speakers and events at our meetings.
As president of the Brush & Palette Club, I am looking forward to an exciting year,
full of creativity, fellowship and fun!
Pat Edgerton
President - The Brush & Palette Club